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Tuesday 22 September 2015

The Beginning is Always Today

That Time I Had A Fresh Start

So this blog has been abandoned for some time...ahem. 

Lots of things have happened since I last posted but as a great woman once said 'I never look back, darling, it distracts from the now'. 

Onto new adventures and upcoming projects then!

  • I have recently been invited to join a new venture with #socially-m.  This involves a team of people helping businesses expand their reach through the use of social media.  I'm very excited to be part of this team and will be helping with photography and blog posts so keep your eyes peeled for upcoming projects!
  • My sister and I will shortly be starting up our new YouTube channel entitled 'J*2'. I am super excited for this as we will be doing all sorts of crazy things and having a blast whilst doing it.  We were recently on a TV show together and had so much fun that we thought why not continue when we got home? :D So we should be doing some fun tags, gaming videos, general vlogs and we will document our trip to Comic Con.  Which brings me onto the next point...
  • We are going to Comic Con in October! I went to Comic Con in London in May with a friend.  I cosplayed as a Weeping Angel and my friend went as a the Doctor (Matt Smith reincarnation). We had so much fun and lots of people stopped to chat and take pictures so it was a great day overall.  This year I am going as Jareth the Goblin King (played by the excellent David Bowie) and my sister is going as Sarah - both from The Labyrinth.  I have most of my cosplay together already so I am looking forward to donning the wig and eyebrow make up!
  • As mentioned above, Sara and I were on a TV show recently where we camped in Italy and we are having a reunion with our fellow camp mates.  It should be an amazing day as the host has arranged for 3 DJs, a fun fair ride, a jacuzzi and has ordered meat from the butcher for the BBQ as well.  Not to mention he has bought a 12 man tent for us to sleep in while we stay the night!! In OCTOBER.  If I don't post after October, dear readers, it is because I am frozen somewhere North of Leicester.  After all, Winter Is Coming.
  • Finally, I am shortly going to be moving house - huzzah! I am moving in with a friend and the house needs a little bit of work but we are very excited to finish our little project and start living together.

On top of all of that is work, Law School and other adventures with friends. So, as you can guess, life is pretty hectic! 

But, I am going to try to get back into Blogging and hopefully write some (fingers crossed!) amusing posts for the general enjoyment of you, dear readers. 

If all goes to plan I will hopefully be adding more posts very soon but, for now, watch this space and catch you soon! 
