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Sunday 9 January 2011

To Send A Letter Is A Good Way To Go Somewhere Without Moving Anything But Your Heart

Day 6 - That Time I Did Basically Nothing For A Week

I have been doing anything and everything to avoid revision, feeling guilty, doing an hour of revision and then repeating the whole filthy cycle all over again.

It is not healthy.

Three good things have happened this week:
1) Passed EU External Relations with 70%. This is incredible because I didn't think I would pass and, when I read the paper, I didn't understand one of the questions!!

2) Passed International and Comparative Criminology with 90%! I literally squee-ed when I read that. (And I may have got Heart radio to congratulate me on air too. I'm not a nerd.)

3) Was reunited with my beautiful, amazing house mate. =D (Although this came with a warning from her boyfriend not to be a homewrecker. =/ Didn't realise I gave out the lesbian vibe quite that much. Should definitely work on reigning that in.)

The rest of the week has been filled with mundane chores and eating. But something did really make me smile which was organising a reunion to Guildford with my ex-flat mates and friends. So we've arranged to all go up on a weekend in February and catch up which will be amazing. I am so excited about it that I had a dream about it the other night.

It has been far too long since I last saw them all.

And it's nice to know that, despite everyone going off and doing their own thing and not seeing each other for nearly 6 months, everyone was really keen to get together and spend some time together. I managed to see most of them at some point over the summer or Christmas but I know that a few of them haven't seen each other since last June. Which is a really long time to not see someone who you used to see every day when you fought to get in the shower! It's not like we haven't all kept in touch over the past few months - it sounds really old fashioned but I've been writing letters to people and it's been a lovely way to catch up with what people are doing without that impersonal, anonymity of facebook. Facebook often just feels like the easy way out when trying to catch up with friends so it has really meant a lot to me that people have bothered to send me things in the post.

If I'm honest though, this rant has just helped me avoid revision for 15 minutes so I should probably stop and actually get to work.

Or I could go and clean the kitchen, organise my sock drawer, doodle aimlessly....


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