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Saturday 10 October 2015

...Because Nerds Like Us Are Allowed To Be Unironically Enthusiastic About Stuff

That Time I Was Super Excited for Comic-Con

MCM London Comic Con is fast approaching (23rd - 25th October 2015) and I am ridiculously excited.

Like can't-sleep-can't-focus-jump-up-and-down-pee-your-pants excited.

This will be my second time at Comic Con and my second attempt at cosplay.  When I went to MCM in May earlier this year, I had the best experience.  I cosplayed as a Weeping Angel with my friend joining me as the Doctor(!11). We knew our costumes were a bit rubbish, home made and last minute but we were determined to have a fantastic day.

We were gobsmacked at the reaction we received.

At one point we could barely move four or five feet without somebody requesting a photograph.  We were stunned and so humbled by the reaction.  And what was even more amazing was how lovely everyone was.

I don't care what anyone says; the nerd/geek community is the best.

Everyone was so warm and friendly and welcoming.  We got lots of hugs and chatted to all sorts of different people! I think I could have spent all day in the corridor talking to different people.

But, as it was our first time (snicker), we wanted to see as much of Comic Con as possible.

This was somewhat hampered by my entirely impractical and ridiculously over sized wings.  (These things were a monstrosity in all honesty.  They were too large by far and I don't know why I thought they would make for easy movement around a crowded expo hall).

In any event, it quickly became apparent that I (and my friend) were undeniably out of our depth.

We were both comfortable in our nerdom and so were fairly confident we would be able to establish which stalls and booths were dedicated to which fandom.  Comic Con proved us very, very wrong.

The stands and stalls and various talks/panels were all related to things that I had no idea about.  There were a few mainstream fandoms I could see skulking around but there was infinitely more that I had never even heard of.  It was incredible and I loved every second of it.  It fuelled a desire to go and find out what these fandoms were, who was involved and what medium they played out on.

In any event, I had a fantastic time at Comic Con in May and am now thoroughly excited to be attending again in a few short weeks.  I am hoping to take my new camera with me and film some of the day so keep your eyes peeled for that montage that will be appearing soon!

And just for your Jareth the Goblin King cosplay is coming along nicely. ;) - pics will follow.

Oh.  Will they follow.


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