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Monday 30 May 2016

I Think That, If The World Was A Bit More Like Comic-Con, We'd All Be A Little Happier

That Time I Was Green For Two And A Half Days

What The Buzz: #mcmLDN16

For those of you not familiar with the above hashtag, this week is all about the MCM Comic on in London.

Not only is this trending on Twitter but I also got to attend for the third time.

And. It. Was. Epic.

So this Bank Holiday Monday we are going to take the opportunity to write a Blog Post combining a trending topic and a personal experience.  And hopefully it will be less of a bodge job than my normal Monday Blog Posts.

For this year's Comic Con, my sister and I decided to tap into our love of musical theatre and my love of body paint.

Can you guess who it is yet?

Elphaba and Glinda from Wicked!

And whilst I still have some green body paint in some interesting places (namely the inside of my ears), we had an amazing time.

Once again we found Comic Con to be very busy, very loud and very friendly. Despite turning everything I touched green (like the bad kind of Midas), I did have some requests for hugs and we had lots of requests for photos which was lovely.

Here are some of my favourite cosplays that we bumped into:

From Under Tale


A Misbehaving Oompa Loompa

Praise the Sun!
There were loads of other amazing cosplays and there was so much to look at that I unfortunately neglected to take many photos. Like at all. All of the above pics have been shamelessly pinched from the MCM Expo facebook group so full credit to the actual photographers* for taking pictures whilst I wandered around gaping at everyone.

Another interesting find at Con was Andrew Lee Potts who some of you may remember from Primeval.

...or not, as the case may be.
If you are not familiar, Primeval was an ITV show following a team of scientists and various dinosaur expert misfits (including Hannah from S Club 7) investigating temporal anomalies across the UK through which prehistoric (and then highly advanced futuristic) creatures enter the present.

Following three fairly successful series (and several attempts at fanfiction...-ahem-) I was pretty invested in the show.

So you can understand my pain, dear readers, when ITV announced that the show was to be axed and a fourth season would not be happening.

This was Not Okay. Not least because my favourite characters (Abby and Connor (Hannah and Andrew)) had been left in the Cretaceous period, stuck up a tree with no way of returning home.  How could I ship them if they were left up a tree for the rest of time?!

So I took matters into my own hands.

On the Livejournal (which we have previously discussed) fan page we discussed ways to contact ITV and convince them that Primeval could not end.

All 5 of us in the fan group (well how big did you think it was going to be?!) decided that the best thing to do would be to send Protest Dinosaurs.

You read that correctly.

We had a template sent to us and we were to write on it the reasons why Primeval should not be cancelled.  I'm pretty sure I was the only one to a) actually do this and b) take the brief to a whole new level.

In order to make as many of these things as possible I enlisted the help of Sammy Ay (who we've already met and has been putting up with me and my BS for years) and Hanny Vee (who has the most adorable baby that when I met him for the first time ever I could not stop kissing his head.  He did not enjoy it. Sozlol.)

These two muppets angels are used to my ridiculousness and so agreed to assist as long as we were allowed to do the dinosaurs in the sunshine.

When they walked out onto my decking I have a feeling they may have wished to re-think the whole thing.

'Writing on paper dinosaurs' had become 'dinosaur related arts and crafts afternoon'.

I had colouring pens, I had glitter, I had magazines to cut out. I had The Works (see what I did there? Haha...puns.)

And bless their little hearts...they did good.

These all got sent to ITV (I'm genuinely not joking now) and within a few weeks I got a letter back from ITV saying thank you for our protest dinosaurs!

Lo and September of the same year, it was announced that Primeval would return for a further two series.

You. Are. Welcome UK (and Hannah and Andrew and the rest of the cast).

...2 series which I, subsequently, failed to watch.

But anyway! Back to Comic Con of this year....

There was Andrew Lee Potts in all his glory (promoting Wireless his web series) and my sister was urging me to go over and tell him all about the Protest Dinosaurs.

And I paused.  I stood in the middle of an aisle in Comic Con (not a popular decision I will add), in green face paint and thought...I'm going to look like an absolute nutter if I go over and talk about Protest Dinosaurs.  He may actually have me removed from the Expo.  Especially if I try and show him my facebook album of said dinosaurs.

So I totally chickened out. Instead, we wandered off into the distance to look at the vast sea of Pop! figures and Protest Dinosaurs were firmly pushed out of my mind.

But it was nice to see him from afar anyway. (He looked well so clearly has enough money to be eating and things so doesn't need my help securing any more work for him. Although maybe I should have asked for my cut of the profits from season 4 and 5.)

Look out for Xena the warrior princess in October.

Or Shrek as I have a lot of green paint left over.


* Sorry that I couldn't give the photographers full credit but some of these are reposts etc so I am not sure who the pictures actually belong to.  If you know, please contact me and I will edit this post.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Sex Without Love Is As Hollow And Ridiculous As Love Without Sex

That Time Twitter Suffered From A Bad Case Of The TMI's

What The Buzz: #NewCarryOnMovieTitles

It has been too long, dear readers.

My apologies for that but it has been my summer holibobs (read as: one week off from work in which I hope the sun will shine but, in fact, the weather stays better at home than abroad and I pout about wearing jeans instead of my horrendously short shorts).

More on the summer holibobs later.

This week I have actually been looking at two hashtags; the first being #NewCarryOnMovieTitles (pretty self explanatory following the announcement that this franchise will be returning in 2016 after a 24 year absence) and #ThingsIYellWhenICum.

Sid James knows it.

The reason this Blog Post is not dedicated to the second hashtag is because a) surely there is only so much you can really say about the hashtag, b) my fingers feel a bit dirty even typing it and c) my Mother reads this.

However, because I care deeply about entertaining my readers, here are some of the better ones for your perusal.

And this one made me laugh:
Well, don't say I never give you anything, dear readers!

Anyway, back to the actual hashtag for this week: Carry On films are making a return!

Ooh, matron!
 Very exciting stuff indeed.

And despite the first title being leaked as Carry On Doctors (back to bed pans and surprise thermometers, I'm sure), the Twittersphere were keen to provide some suggestions of their own which seemed to overwhelm Jonathan Sothcott (producer of the new films and CEO of Hereford Films which is behind the project).
It has been confirmed that two movies will be produced (and presumably more will follow should they be a commercial success) but, sadly, Dame Babs Windsor DBE will not be making a return (which also means her nipple tassles won't be dusted off for another spin).  Cast have yet to be announced but it looks like the producers are after new, young, British comedic talent rather than impersonators of the original cast.

So stop practicing your Kenneth Williams' faces in the mirror.

No, really.

Stop it now.
Alright, Blue Eyes, calm down.

In any event, Mr Sothcott has confirmed that Carry On Doctors is not a remake or an 'attempt to reinvent the wheel' but it does seem like a safe premise to start with.

And, to think, we could have had such titles as:


...on second thoughts, given the public's track record with naming things, maybe we were better off leaving this one to the professionals.

...too soon?