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Tuesday 2 November 2010

There Are Nights When The Wolves Are Silent And Only The Moon Howls

Day ?? - That Time I Locked Myself Away and Did Revision

I know, I know, it sounds like the start of some spooky halloween tale. In fact, just saying the word 'revision' aloud makes a tremor run down my spine. Nevertheless, that is what I have been doing for the past week. It was a very strange exam system though.

The European Private Law exam was 6.30pm-9pm. Which I was very baffled about - who does exams in the evenings? Very weird. Also, it wasn't properly moderated, you had your bag next to you, the invigilator left the room occasionally, you went to the toilet on your own.

But, weirdest of all, when I opened my Law exam staring back at me were multiple choice questions.


Not that I have anything against MCQ papers it's just that...that's not how we're used to doing Law back in England, letmetellyou.

It was just a different, continental experience all round I guess.

Anthropology was very odd too - a take home exam which we had 10 days to complete (so coursework really). There were 10 questions split into two parts (1a&b, 2a&b etc) but you were only allowed to write one page for each numbered question so one page for both parts of your answer.

Most confusing.

My friend sat her Masters level exam and she was allowed a statute book in with her. Nobody checked that she hadn't written extra notes in there or that it was a clean copy.

No wonder the pass rate over here is 60% instead of 40%. How embarrassing if you fail.

(I say that now but in a couple of weeks I expect I'll be in tears over my mark of 5 or below.)

So, alas, my adventures have not been so great this week. Although I have enjoyed some new experiences I suppose. Here are some other things I have done:

  • Gone for hot chocolate and stayed in the coffee shop for 3 hours.
  • Bought lights and a seat cover for my beautiful Hoj. (Because he's worth it.)
  • Had someone clear out the bike shed so now there is room for all the bikes. Huzzah!
  • Lied to a charity worker.
  • Missed out on what looked like the best Halloween party ever because it was the night before my exam.
  • Ruined my freshly painted nails by cleaning the kitchen after my student manager came to remind me.
  • Laughed at some pretty funny pictures on facebook (you know the one I mean!)
  • Talked to Hanny Vee for the first time in agessss. <3
  • Arranged Sam to come and visit in November! =D
  • Arranged for Sam to have a bed when he comes to visit.
  • Cried because my Mum told me she was re-decorating my room and I was emotional.
  • Invited an Australian back to my house for Christmas.
  • Asked my parents if I could invite an Australian back to my house for Christmas.
  • Watched an entire season of Legend of the Seeker.
I think that's about it so far. 


1 comment:

  1. First of all...why are there not more of these...

    Second of all...yeah I'm coming to visit...Squee!!

    Third of all...Legend of the Seeker is literally the sex...

    Fourth of ya!!!
