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Friday 13 November 2015

How Did It Get So Late So Soon?

That Time I Was Rubbish At Posting On Time (The First, But I Expect Not The Last)

Dear readers, I do apologise for missing the Monday What The Buzz post.

This week has been crazy.

As per my previous post, I was at Law school over the weekend which in and of itself is normally rather draining but this week was gruelling for a whole new and entirely foul reason.

So when Monday rolled around, the last thing on my mind was posting to the Blog.

And I do apologise as there were plenty of good hashtags to choose from.

But let me run through the rest of the week for comparison:

Tuesday: Off to my parents to cook dinner

Every week (read as: 'most weeks when I remember') I visit my parents and my younger sister and do some 'experimental' cooking by trying out a brand new recipe from the BBC website.

So far it has been quite successful with different menus including a home made curry with raita and onion bhajis or the sticky bbq chicken or even the most recent sausage and bacon rustic hotpot.  As my younger sister is a vegetarian this can sometimes be a bit of a challenge as it requires making two separate meals.  But in general I really enjoy it and it gives me an excuse to go round and visit and not feel like a free-loader.

Or not.  As the case may be.

Wednesday: Out for dinner with a friend

I went out for dinner with a friend in the evening which I have been looking forward to immensely.  Unfortunately, we are both very busy and also have the tendency of cancelling on one another either due to illness or just because we are super busy and life gets in the way.  But she is one of the few people in my life that knows time will be made eventually and that we are both grown ups with busy lives. 

It was a lovely evening and, even though one of our topics of conversation was probably a little unusual, it was great to catch up and be able to talk about things candidly. 

But it meant that I was out for the whole evening and didn't get home until nearly 11. 

Thursday: Mum and Dad's Wedding Anniversary

As it was my Mum and Dad's 32nd (32nd!!) wedding anniversary, my sister and I bought flowers and treated them both to a takeaway for dinner. 

The whole evening was great as I love spending time with ma famille.  And after dinner we played a new board game (new for us at least) - Betrayal at House on the Hill.

Ooooh, the spooks!
My family has a 'thing' about board games and card games.  So we were all looking forward to trying out this new co-operative game.

Or were we...?

The game is cooperative to begin with but then somebody becomes a traitor.  Ooooh.  The intrigue. 

It's a really good game but I think it will be more enjoyable the second time round when we already understand some of the rules as much of the evening consisted of me flicking rapidly through the rule book and getting flustered when I couldn't answer various questions about die rolls and coal chutes. 

(Don't ask.)

Friday: Alex B's last day in the office (aka the last day of term)

Today was a work colleague's (a friend's) last day in the office.  It was a pretty emosh day but it was hard to take anything too seriously as it was also Children in Need and we were all in fancy dress as heroes and villains. 

I was dressed as Bat Girl.

"Yes, I take your personal injury claim very seriously, Mr Bloggs..."

So nothing I said was really going to come across that seriously.

After many larks in the office and pretty much getting no work done (sorry, boss!) we all headed to the pub for a few farewell drinkies.  I was supposed to be out until the wee hours of the morning but, as you can see, I made it home fairly early.  

And therefore had the chance to write this beautiful catch up post for you, dear readers. 

And there you have it; my week in a very brief nutshell. 

Insert clever pun here.

It's been busy but good (in some ways - in others not so much but let us not dwell).  

So I hope you forgive me for not posting the scheduled What The Buzz post this week.  This post is really just one long excuse and I really hate that but I genuinely have been super busy.

Please stay tuned for your regular scheduled programmes and I will endeavour to get my life together by next Monday. 


PS. I have been watching Twitch a lot recently and one streamer in particular 'IamslowLoris' has been playing Dark Souls and his commentary is actually really funny plus the chat is very friendly.  If you have five minutes and like Dark Souls, I would recommend you check out his streams - 8pm on the weekdays. Peace!

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