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Monday 16 November 2015

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On

That Time We Listened to Some Tunes

What The Buzz: #MusicMonday

Music to me is a big deal.

It forms a large part of my day - from listening to music whilst I get dressed, singing on my commute in to work, humming at the office and then doing the reverse at the other end of the day.

I, for one, am all for having a soundtrack to a life.

So the twitter trend #MusicMonday was an obvious choice for this blogpost.

Silent Discos are ftw tbh, lol. (#relivingstudentdays)
I think music is a very powerful thing as it can make you feel a whole range of emotions in about 3 minutes, recall a memory from years ago or change the atmosphere of a room almost instantly.  There are songs that can almost immediately bring me to tears and there are others that can bring a smile to my face just as quickly.

I'm also one for new music.  I love hearing a song for the first time and becoming completely addicted to it.  And that's not just 'current' music.  My Dad used to do this weekly thing when I was at Uni which we labelled my 'music education' in which he would send me two or three songs I hadn't heard before but that were relatively old.  Plus I got to go to Reading Festival this year and listened to so many new artists that I had never heard of before.  The atmosphere definitely made it but the music was all incredible.

See you there, readers?

So I thought I would take this opportunity to post some of my new favourite songs that I can't help but love.  

(Plus it got to like 9.45 on Monday evening and I realised I hadn't done my What The Buzz post yet. professional over here, guys.)

Here we go, in no particular order (just keep Olly Murs away from this):

1. Pvris - Holy

This is a band that I didn't get the chance to see live at Reading but one of the girls I went with (hello Sophie!) said I should check them out when I got home.  I didn't think too much of it at the time and ended up listening to a Reading Festival playlist on the drive home (unwilling to end the weekend!) and heard this song.

When I looked up who it was, my suspicions were confirmed: Sophie was indeed a music maestro and should be trusted from here on out with all musical recommendations.

I think part of my love for this track may come from the Disney references but it is very catchy and the lyrics are at odds with the upbeat tempo which I really like.

Definitely one for belting out in the car.

2. The Other Tribe - Skirts

I heard this way back in 2012 when I was working at Sweaty Betty and my assistant manager's boyfriend had produced (? or something...I forget what it was in the end) this song.  When I first heard the song I thought it was the perfect summer tune and it takes me back to my uni days when things were easy and the only planning we did was whether we would be going out on Wednesday and Friday or save our pennies and just go super hard on Saturday.

When this song comes on I think of dancing around my tiny room with a glass of the cheapest rose wine I could find in Tesco, trying desperately to draw a straight(ish) cat eye with my liquid liner.

Ah, good times.

3. Sarah McLachlan - River

Okay, so this is a lot more mellow than the other entries so far.

But I love this song.


I don't know what it is.  I kind of like melancholy songs anyway and the lyrics came at a really poignant time for me.  Plus I have a thing for Christmas music so this is just ticking all the boxes.

The piano in this song is so elegant and the song doesn't rely on much more than the melody and the lovely tone of McLachlan's voice.

If you ever need a Christmas cry, this is the song for you.

4. Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix


If this comes on in the car, I almost lose my voice because I am singing with such gusto.

This feels like a James Bond theme with a sassy edge which I love.  This is a song with attitude and I Love it.  Capital 'L'.

For a Eurovision song entry I really think this was underrated in the charts.  I was so glad when the song won because I felt that it really did deserve more recognition.  (Also see The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm.  Another epic Eurovision entry from 2014.)

Seriously, if you are not singing/shouting this by the end of the last verse and if you are not slightly out of breath then you have listened to it wrong.

Try again.

5. Uh Huh Her - Dreamer

This song played on an episode of Smallville (8x15 - Infamous for those that are interested).  It was a pretty sad scene in which we thought Lois and Clark were finally going to do something about all those feelings they were not-so-secretly harbouring for one another but then the writers (darn you, PTB!) let us down at the last minute.

It is one of those songs that was so perfect for the scene that it has stuck in my head ever since.

In other circumstances, I am not sure that I would have been so obsessed with it but at the time it was so wrapped up in the emotion of that particular scene and it felt so powerful.

I am a super fan of soundtracks/scores that are done well.

And so this song makes the list.

The above are just a few of the more random songs that have been stuck in my head either very recently or for quite some time.  There are, obviously, hundreds of others but most of those are Disney and people tend to glaze over when I start discussing Disney.

One of these faces or a combination of all three normally.

But hopefully you have been introduced to a couple of new artists or songs and if you like them then that is fantastic.  If not; no worries - everyone is different! (But you are wrong about Conchita Wurst. Seriously.)

Leave a comment with a song stuck in your head at the moment or any comments on the songs in this list.

For now, that is #MusicMonday and now, I'm off to listen to some more of my Reading Festival playlist.

Really though...2016? Yeah?


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