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Saturday 5 December 2015

Everything Has Beauty But Not Everyone Sees It

That Time We Tried To Do A Beauty Blog Post

(Just as a really quick note - I have now signed up to Blog Lovin' and a big shout out to anyone that has stumbled across this blog from that site.)

Apologies, dear readers, that I have once again missed out on a What The Buzz Monday blog post.

There are no excuses (except that there are) but I have been incredibly busy this week - with Law School exams, a huge merger at work with a national law firm and trying to squeeze in all my family and friend obligations too (obligations sounds like it's a chore and, let me assure you, it really, really isn't).

But, alas, being busy is no excuse for laziness so my sincere apologies for missing out another scheduled post.

To make it up to you, I thought I would post something of a beauty recommendation post.  Something I have yet to do on this Blog or, indeed, at all.

As this is my first time, I ask only that you please be gentle.

So here are my top 5 beauty recommendations for December:

1. Tangle Teezer
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When I bought this product, the shop assistant at Boots told me that it 'would change my life'. I laughed at her at the time.

But, oh, how right she was. 

This brush/comb is incredible. The soft bristles untangle your hair with minimal pain and reduce the amount of broken hair you may get by running an ordinary brush through.  I have reasonably long hair and it is always ridiculously knotty.  I can untangle all the knots and within 5 minutes, I am tangled up again.

It's honestly a nightmare. 

So this brush/comb was something of a last resort and friends of mine had been praising it.  I hadn't pinned too much hope on it to be honest but holy moly, it was like my knots were being untangled by cherubs breathing their angel breath on me. 

A serious must have for anyone who dreads dragging their brush through their hair after a windy, wintry day out and about. 

2. Forever Living - Fleur de Jouvence

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I am completely addicted to the Forever Living range at the moment.

It is a bit of a fad that seems to have taken off in a huge way - aloe vera solves everything.  Apparently. 

But, actually, it does!

I have been drinking the berry nectar gel, using the products in the picture above and have also been using the shampoo and conditioner so it has been aloe vera overkill in my house at the moment. 

Having used the products for a few months, I have really noticed the difference in the condition of my hair and especially in my skin.  I suffer from fairly regular breakouts of mild-moderate acne and, whilst it is never awful, it is not the greatest thing in the world and, as any acne sufferer will know, it can leave you feeling really self-conscious. 

Since using the aloe vera products I have noticed a huge improvement and very rarely have an outbreak at all and the odd occasion that I do, it is very small and not painful. 

Which, let me assure you, is nothing short of a miracle.

The night creme is especially good and all the products smell incredible.  I should give out a quick warning for the face mask though.  It is really good but be prepared for your entire face to freeze! The mask dries so solidly that you will not be able to move a muscle.  But your face feels so baby smooth once you wash it all off.

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This.  But hopefully less bald.

Cannot. Recommend. Enough.

3. Dr.Ceuticals Super Repair Hand Cream

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I used to be an avid nail biter and I would nibble away at my nails and fingers until they were tiny little stubs that were bleeding and just horrible.

It was a real problem.

Every year would come and go and my New Year's Resolution would not change: do not bite my nails.

I was able to finally break the habit late in 2014 and have never looked back.

One of the things that really helped was applying loads of hand cream. Constantly. 

So, whenever I come up to stressful periods of my life, I try and invest in a new tube of hand cream to apply it as liberally as possible and avoid returning to bad habits, 

Luckily, I have the loveliest friends and got sent Dr.Ceuticals hand cream in the post as a gift from the beautiful and generous Stephanie.  This hand cream is Awesome.  Capital A.

The consistency is pretty thick but it absorbs so quickly and is also non-greasy.  The smell is really subtle and you don't need much at all. 

The above photo also leads me nicely into the next product...

4. Gel nails

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 photo pink nails_zpsdnnsffwb.jpg's an addiction.

But I love it!

Like I said above, not biting my nails was a major thing for me so when I finally did, I treated myself to a few professional manicures and I now love having all sorts of crazy designs applied to my nails.

I like to go for gel polish as it doesn't chip and lasts for 2-3 weeks on me before it starts to look ridiculous with the nail growing out.  Plus it is super shiny!

I am lucky ion that the polish doesn't seem to damage my nails but I do tend to leave the nails for a few weeks bare in between applications to give them a chance to breathe. 

Looking forward to getting more crazy designs in the new year as I currently have red sparkly on (as per section 3 photo) for Christmas and it's a bit more muted than I normally go. 

Will keep you updated with my latest crazy designs! :)

5. Max Factor Skin Luminizer

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This stuff is seriously amazing. 

I am super pale with loads of freckles so it is normally a nightmare to try and match a foundation or concealer to my skin without looking like I have caked myself in some form of blancmange and/or polyfiller. 

But this blends into your natural skin tone and gives you a real soft, dewy look without that heavy, made up feeling.  Plus, because it is a good product, you only need a tiny bit to cover the whole face. 

Which is perfect for me because I am a total cheapskate and hate wasting money on products to use the whole thing in a couple of weeks.

Really love this at the moment as I can throw it on in the mornings and trust that it will do the job. 

So those are my 5 top beauty picks for December which was actually a lot harder than I thought so props to the beauty bloggers that do this all the time. 

If any of you dear readers have any winter beauty tips that warm the cockles of your hearts, leave a comment and let me know. 

For now though, remember that if it makes you feel good - go for it! Beauty is only skin deep after all.

&& Fin.

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