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Monday 29 February 2016

The Greatest Gift In Life Is Friendship, And I Have Received It

That Time I Discovered Reason #46783 To Be Thankful That Sam Archer Was My First True Love

Sometimes in life you stumble upon people that genuinely care about you. When you find these people, dear readers, hold on tightly.

Whether they be friends, family, co-workers, people online you will never meet.

If someone cares about you, is happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness; cherish them. They are important. And rare.

I am lucky enough to have several of these people in my life.

One of whom I have had the pleasure of knowing for 23 years. And he turned 26 this year.

In celebration of this fact, I suggested that we attend a silent disco which was being held in the Shard in London. This suggestion was met with such enthusiasm that before I even had time to 'like' the event on Facebook, I was being informed that a ticket had been purchased for me and I should therefore organise my life sufficiently to attend on 12th February.

And thus began the rather bizarre (but awesome) weekend of Amy Jay and Sammy Ay (2016).

Looking pretty respectable at the start of the went sharply downhill from here

We trundled off to the Shard (well I tottered in my ridiculous AmyJay patented heels) and boogied our little bums off!

Plus the view was pretty epic. (Exhibit A)

It was an amazing night and I would recommend it to anyone - it was busy but not heaving, the drinks were actually decently priced for London and there was always something that we enjoyed singing or dancing to on one of the three channels.

(Admittedly, we spent the majority of our night listening to the cheesy red channel but I have photographic proof that we listened to the blue and green channels at least a little bit. See Exhibit A, above.)

In any event, the night was epic - we stayed until it closed - and then we headed back to Sammy Ay's flat. Sadly, this was something of an adventure all by itself as we struggled with Uber drivers trying to pick us up from outside London Bridge train station.

But we made it home eventually! (And promptly ordered pizza. London, dear readers, is open for anything at any time; including pizza at 4 in the morning. Epic.)

After eating an entire pizza to myself, I snuggled up with Sammy Ay and went to sleep, safe in the knowledge that I would not have a hang over in the morning thanks to my beer (prosecco, darling) sponge.
...not quite as dignified now!

...and then came the adventures of Sam's actual birthday.

NB: Some of the following circumstances and conversations may have been dramatized (slightly) for humorous effect.

AJ (Me): It’s your birthday today, Sammy! We are in London and I want to take you out somewhere. We can do whatever you want so have a think and let me know.

(SA ponders this prospect very seriously for several quiet moments and then gives me a Look.) 

SA: Okay…(pause for dramatic effect) Since you found out your ex was cheating on you, have you had a sexual health check up?

(AJ, blinks owlishly, laughs heartily and wonders where this swift change of topic has come from) 

AJ: Err…no actually I-

SA: That’s what I want to do today then.

(AJ gapes unattractively at SA) 

AJ: What? No it’s not! We can do anything at all – museums, touristy things, a nice lunch, cocktails…

SA: You said anything and that is what I want to do. Look, I’ll come with you and get it done too so you won’t be on your own. It will be over really quickly and then you’ll know for definite that you are okay.

AJ: But I don’t even have any-

SA: DON’T YOU DARE SAY YOU DON’T HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS, YOUNG LADY! You might have something and not know it and then you could be infertile. INFERTILE. (SA goes on a caring, Nurse-like rant about STDs and INFERTILITY whilst AJ still gapes unattractively). 

AJ: OKAY! Okay, okay we will go.

SA: Thank you. …it’s only because I care, you know.

AJ: …I know.

(SA and AJ share A Moment. Lights go down.)


So we decide to begin our day in a small, independent, in no way chain-y coffee shop whose name may or may not have rhymed with Sharstucks because caffeine, London and reasons.

Inside there is probably a 10-15 minute wait for hot drinks and there are 7 or 8 people queuing up on this drizzly, Sunday morning.

I receive my chai latte (oh, yes, dear readers, I’m one of ‘those’) with no drama and we move to exit the coffee shop.

I am safely through the door, as is the front half of SA, when I hear behind me ‘oof-blop-splash’.

Turning around, I take in the sight with horror.

SA has knocked someone’s £4.50 coffee out of their hands and it is now trickling down the street like the blood of a fallen soldier.

This is the number 1 reason why people get shanked in London. (Jointly tied with snarky Blog Posts probably.)

SA is frantically apologising to the devastated patron and offering to buy him a replacement coffee when the most London-y response of all Londoners is uttered:

Sad Coffee Man: I don’t have time for this!!

And that was that. We scampered away with our tails between our legs and my chai latte cradled protectively to my chest.

Ain’t no fool knocking this one out of my hands.


Upon arriving at the clinic in Soho, it is immediately apparent that I Do Not Know What I Am Doing when the friendly chap behind the counter smiles at me and I look blankly at SA and say (OUT LOUD) ‘What do I want?’ in a manner not dissimilar to that of a toddler ordering McDonalds with Mummy.

SA, rather despairingly, informs the man that we would like a check up each and we are promptly given a time to return in about an hour.

This leaves us with enough time to find somewhere to have lunch so we toddle off.

And eat in a small, independent, no way chain-y Italian place that may or may not have rhymed with Schmizza Exschmess.

When we return to the clinic, I have to register my details online which takes less than 5 minutes and am then handed an ominous looking tube. The friendly chap behind the counter must have taken in my wide-eyed expression of panic and taken pity on me for he was very gentle with his explanation of what would happen next.

I was to take myself off to one of the private rooms, take a quick swab (the location of which I will leave to your imagination although probably not very hard to figure out given the circumstances in which this tale is told) and then I would have a blood test.

This, all in all, did not sound too bad; I didn’t even have to pee in a cup! (Something of a disappointment given that I had held in my chai latte and elderflower fizz from lunch in anticipation of needing to provide a sample.)

SA, however, was not as lucky.

Multiple samples, a blood test and a finger prick later…

SA: You okay?

AJ: Yeah, wasn’t as bad as I thought. Just the one swab and the blood test.

SA: (anger begins to cloud SA's face)…what?

AJ: What?

SA: That’s it?! …you bloody breeders *grumble grumble* (SA puts still bleeding finger into mouth in the most dignified way he can but definitely appears to be visibly pouting).

AJ: (Trying to lighten the mood) Maybe they just didn't like the look of you?

SA: .... (Is not amused)

AJ: Okay, well, I got blood all over my new shirt though because I couldn’t stop bleeding after they took my blood test. …make you feel any better?

SA: (Mumbles around finger still in mouth) …a bit.

AJ: Good! Now, come on, let’s go buy you a plaster from Boots!


The reason this is a shining example of a true friend is thus; Sam wanted to spend his birthday doing something that solely benefited me and my health. There was nothing for him to gain in doing this, no benefit and it would not effect his life in any way whether I got checked or not. And yet, despite all of this, he was so insistent that we go because he cared that much about me and my well-being.

That is a true friend right there.

TL;DR – My friend made me go for a sexual health check up on his birthday. Hilarity ensues.


Monday 22 February 2016

I Love The Eurovision Song Contest And It Will Continue Long After I'm Gone. Just Please Don't Ask Me To Take It Seriously

That Time We Reviewed The UK Entries For 2016

What The Buzz: #Eurovision

Imagine my surprise, dear readers, when I logged into Twitter today and discovered the hashtag Eurovision was trending.

For those of you that don't know, Eurovision is on 10th May - 14 May this year so I was not expecting the hashtag to appear as early as February and my curiosity was piqued.

Turns out the 6 potential UK entries have been announced today. The 6 acts will perform live on Friday 26th February and the general public will be able to vote for their favourite.  (One cannot help but wonder if the re-introduction of the public helping to choose the entry comes following the rather abysmal submission the UK sent last year which the BBC chose without public input.)

Pop/electro swing duo 'Electro Velvet' ...yeah, me neither.
For anyone interested in watching the live performances of this year's entries, they will be aired on BBC 4 at 7.30 on Eurovision: You Decide hosted by Mel Giedroyc.

I'm all for more Mel in between series of Bake Off.
For those of you that won't be watching the live performances (for shame!), the Blog is here to help you help the UK in choosing this year's Eurovision entry (and subsequent Eurovision winner obvs).  So, in no particular order....

EDIT: I desperately tried to get clips of all the performances for you, dear readers, but sadly the BBC doesn't seem to want to share.  In any event, you can find clips of all the songs by clicking here: 

Click Me!

1. Joe and Jake - You're Not Alone

I feel like this is a less polished version of Union J with a few of the key members missing.  Personally, I just feel like the song doesn't really go anywhere.  It's alright for bobbing your head to briefly but it's not particularly memorable.

Plus, not everything rhymes with 'oh oh' or 'ooh' lads.  Soz.

2. Dulcima - When You Go

I'll admit it; I had fairly high expectations of this duo given the name of the band is the name of an unusual instrument my Father has taken a liking to. There was a soft spot ready and waiting.

And waiting it shall remain.

Don't get me wrong; it's very Eurovision. The chanting section at 1.49 is perfect for the final night in a room full of drunk Europeans but...there is something slightly irritating about it all by the end of the song.  I can't put my finger on it but it's a long 2.58 minutes to sit through.

3. Matthew James - A Better Man

Is this Clay Aiken?!

No....seriously, is this Clay Aiken just with glasses and a hat now?

4. Karl William Lund - Miracle

To my ears this sounds like a poor man's Take That.  When they were a Man Band.

But with more echo effect.

Anyone else? No? Oh.

I think of all the entries so far this is the one I could see myself singing in the car on the way to work and probably getting stuck in my head for the rest of the day at work much to the annoyance of my colleagues (soz, Charlotta). It still seems to kind of fizzle out into nothingness rather than exploding in a crescendo but you can't have everything I guess.

It is still a UK entry into Eurovision after all.

5. Darline - Until Tomorrow

3 guesses who Darline quote as their top inspiration!

If you said anyone other than Taylor Swift then hang your head in shame right now.

Again, this song is actually quite catchy.  I have a certain penchant for country music in all its forms and Taylor Swift in particular so it's no surprise that I rather like this entry.  But I like it in the sense that I could have it on in the background while I do work in the evening not in the sense that I want my country's singing talents to be represented by this delightful country-pop combo.

It's lovely. ...but that's about as far as it goes for me. And following a recent discussion with my housemate about the use of the word 'lovely' I just don't think that is going to cut it in the mean, lean streets of Sweden for Eurovision 2016.

6. Bianca - Shine A Little Light

When you find out this song was co-written by Leona Lewis, suddenly she is all you will hear during this song.


But there is that weird reggae undertone that makes it sound like MAGIC! is going to break in to the song any minute and seems totally out of character with the majority of the song.

Even so, I think this is my favourite for Eurovision.  At least it has a bit of oomph to it.  So they could probably do quite an impressive lighting display on the final.  Maybe with some fireworks too.

Ah, yes, I can see it now...

And we probably still won't scrape into the top 10. Maybe it should be #EuropeHatesUsGetOverIt

But enough of my negativity! Let's see what the Twittersphere had to say for itself:

And that's not even mentioning all the controversy surrounding the Ukraine's entry which discusses Stalin's enforced deportation of Tatar people from Crimea in 1944.  The song is really quite chilling and has apparently already ruffled some Russian feathers.

...never a dull year at Eurovision!

And finally, this will be the first year since the sad passing of Sir Terry Wogan.  His quotes (such as the rather poignant title to this Blog post) have been the cause of much celebration even amidst the commiseration of losing yet another contest. And, since Graham Norton took up the post, the sarcastic, snide comments continue to live on.

But this year there is sure to be a tribute to Sir Terry Wogan which I'm sure the Beeb will pull off fantastically and we will all be tearing up before we even get to the first song.

In the meantime, we will see who makes it to Eurovision for the UK and then, in May, let us all hope that it is another fine day in the Land of Do As Your Told.


Monday 15 February 2016

Perhaps The Less We Have, The More We Are Required To Brag

That Time We Delved Into The World Of Kanye West (Brace Yourselves)

What The Buzz: #OutBoastKanye

Well, dear readers, the hashtag really speaks for itself this week on What The Buzz.

The name Kanye West has now become somewhat synonymous with 'douche bag'.  The man has spurred an entire meme about being an arse, for goodness sake.

The awkwardness of this moment is burned onto the back of my eyeballs.  Still makes me cringe!
I remember a time (in the distant early Noughties) in which Kanye was pumping out musical hit after hit and seemed to have the golden touch.  Diamonds from Sierra Leone, Gold Digger, Touch the Sky, Stronger. 

Kanye and his shutter shades were big news in the UK.

Remember these? If not, you are far too young to be reading this Blog and isn't it past your bedtime?

In a somewhat ironic twist of fate, the downward spiral of public opinion seemed to reflect the rise of Kanye's fame.  Unfortunately, this level of fame brings intense scrutiny so, as a person in an extremely powerful position, obviously Mr West was very careful about what he said to the press and during interviews...

Really? ...the greatest?

I just...there are no words. Literally.

This man is now a father.  Let that sink in for a minute.


Obviously a very modest and humble man stands before us.

But some people have labelled KWizzle as having a 'God-complex' (whuuuuut?!).  And the Twittersphere is always keen to have a bit of bantz at the expense of someone famous.

Here were some of my favourite boasts to out boast Kanye:

And as for my boast?

I can go to Nandos in relative anonymity. Bliss.

Still no smile? You are in Nandos. Ed Sheeran and Example wrote a goddamn song about how much they love this place.

&& Fin.

Monday 8 February 2016

I Think Children Are Like Pancakes; You Sort Of Ruin The First One And You Get Better At It The Second Time Around

That Time We Indulged the Foodie Inside Me

What The Buzz: #PancakeDay

Dear readers, I have sadly neglected The Blog for several weeks and, for that, I apologise.

Life has been insanely busy recently but that is no excuse.

I thought I would make it up to you all by discussing one of my favourite days of the year: Shrove Tuesday.

This holiday always creeps up on me and I am only aware of it at the very last minute despite my deep-seated love for the day itself and the eponymous confection the day brings.

We're talking about Pancake Day for anyone still unused to my writing style.
I am something of a traditionalist when it comes to pancakes - sugar and lemon is just fine with me thank you very much.  But I fully appreciate the benefits of the more outlandish recipes:-

Warning: Product placement. 

It seems as though the Twittersphere is equally as excited for Pancake day as I am:

And let's not forget the inevitable puns...

Even the Beeb aren't above puns on Pancake Day:

Regardless of my own personal love of Pancake Day, the reason for choosing this Hashtag for #WhatTheBuzz this week was this headline which immediately grabbed my attention:

Okay, so total click bait title but the article was actually very interesting.

And if, like me, you were hoping that eating a buttload of pancakes will help improve your eyesight, prepare to be greatly disappointed.  The truth of the matter is that cooking different types of batter at different thicknesses and noting how the fluid escapes is assisting UCL in determining better methods of treating glaucoma which is a build up of pressure in the eyes caused by fluid.

So, there you have it; the humble pancake is helping in modern medicinal miracles.

Plus...there is also Pancake Art:

If that doesn't make you love Pancake Day, then, frankly, I don't know what your flipping problem is.

(I, too, am not above puns. ...Sorry).
