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Monday 22 February 2016

I Love The Eurovision Song Contest And It Will Continue Long After I'm Gone. Just Please Don't Ask Me To Take It Seriously

That Time We Reviewed The UK Entries For 2016

What The Buzz: #Eurovision

Imagine my surprise, dear readers, when I logged into Twitter today and discovered the hashtag Eurovision was trending.

For those of you that don't know, Eurovision is on 10th May - 14 May this year so I was not expecting the hashtag to appear as early as February and my curiosity was piqued.

Turns out the 6 potential UK entries have been announced today. The 6 acts will perform live on Friday 26th February and the general public will be able to vote for their favourite.  (One cannot help but wonder if the re-introduction of the public helping to choose the entry comes following the rather abysmal submission the UK sent last year which the BBC chose without public input.)

Pop/electro swing duo 'Electro Velvet' ...yeah, me neither.
For anyone interested in watching the live performances of this year's entries, they will be aired on BBC 4 at 7.30 on Eurovision: You Decide hosted by Mel Giedroyc.

I'm all for more Mel in between series of Bake Off.
For those of you that won't be watching the live performances (for shame!), the Blog is here to help you help the UK in choosing this year's Eurovision entry (and subsequent Eurovision winner obvs).  So, in no particular order....

EDIT: I desperately tried to get clips of all the performances for you, dear readers, but sadly the BBC doesn't seem to want to share.  In any event, you can find clips of all the songs by clicking here: 

Click Me!

1. Joe and Jake - You're Not Alone

I feel like this is a less polished version of Union J with a few of the key members missing.  Personally, I just feel like the song doesn't really go anywhere.  It's alright for bobbing your head to briefly but it's not particularly memorable.

Plus, not everything rhymes with 'oh oh' or 'ooh' lads.  Soz.

2. Dulcima - When You Go

I'll admit it; I had fairly high expectations of this duo given the name of the band is the name of an unusual instrument my Father has taken a liking to. There was a soft spot ready and waiting.

And waiting it shall remain.

Don't get me wrong; it's very Eurovision. The chanting section at 1.49 is perfect for the final night in a room full of drunk Europeans but...there is something slightly irritating about it all by the end of the song.  I can't put my finger on it but it's a long 2.58 minutes to sit through.

3. Matthew James - A Better Man

Is this Clay Aiken?!

No....seriously, is this Clay Aiken just with glasses and a hat now?

4. Karl William Lund - Miracle

To my ears this sounds like a poor man's Take That.  When they were a Man Band.

But with more echo effect.

Anyone else? No? Oh.

I think of all the entries so far this is the one I could see myself singing in the car on the way to work and probably getting stuck in my head for the rest of the day at work much to the annoyance of my colleagues (soz, Charlotta). It still seems to kind of fizzle out into nothingness rather than exploding in a crescendo but you can't have everything I guess.

It is still a UK entry into Eurovision after all.

5. Darline - Until Tomorrow

3 guesses who Darline quote as their top inspiration!

If you said anyone other than Taylor Swift then hang your head in shame right now.

Again, this song is actually quite catchy.  I have a certain penchant for country music in all its forms and Taylor Swift in particular so it's no surprise that I rather like this entry.  But I like it in the sense that I could have it on in the background while I do work in the evening not in the sense that I want my country's singing talents to be represented by this delightful country-pop combo.

It's lovely. ...but that's about as far as it goes for me. And following a recent discussion with my housemate about the use of the word 'lovely' I just don't think that is going to cut it in the mean, lean streets of Sweden for Eurovision 2016.

6. Bianca - Shine A Little Light

When you find out this song was co-written by Leona Lewis, suddenly she is all you will hear during this song.


But there is that weird reggae undertone that makes it sound like MAGIC! is going to break in to the song any minute and seems totally out of character with the majority of the song.

Even so, I think this is my favourite for Eurovision.  At least it has a bit of oomph to it.  So they could probably do quite an impressive lighting display on the final.  Maybe with some fireworks too.

Ah, yes, I can see it now...

And we probably still won't scrape into the top 10. Maybe it should be #EuropeHatesUsGetOverIt

But enough of my negativity! Let's see what the Twittersphere had to say for itself:

And that's not even mentioning all the controversy surrounding the Ukraine's entry which discusses Stalin's enforced deportation of Tatar people from Crimea in 1944.  The song is really quite chilling and has apparently already ruffled some Russian feathers.

...never a dull year at Eurovision!

And finally, this will be the first year since the sad passing of Sir Terry Wogan.  His quotes (such as the rather poignant title to this Blog post) have been the cause of much celebration even amidst the commiseration of losing yet another contest. And, since Graham Norton took up the post, the sarcastic, snide comments continue to live on.

But this year there is sure to be a tribute to Sir Terry Wogan which I'm sure the Beeb will pull off fantastically and we will all be tearing up before we even get to the first song.

In the meantime, we will see who makes it to Eurovision for the UK and then, in May, let us all hope that it is another fine day in the Land of Do As Your Told.


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