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Wednesday 13 October 2010

A Dress Makes No Sense Unless It Inspires Men To Want To Take It Off You

Day ?? - That Time I Took Stock

So the past few days have been a bit of a blur.

The weather has been fantastic. So fantastic, in fact, that I left the house in shorts and a cardigan on Tuesday. What started out as a labelling me a fashionista soon turned into quite the fashion faux pas.

Turns out that it's cold in October. Regardless of whether the sun is out or not.

I went for lunch and coffee with a friend and ended up having to buy a pair of jeans to change into. Luckily, they were only 10 euros in the H&M sale and I did need a new pair anyway. But still. Felt like a bit of a moron going into the Academic building to shimmy out of shorts and jam on my new (far, far too skinny no wonder they were in the sale. They were made for Twiggy I swear.) jeans.

Anyway, this purchase got me thinking about what I've bought since I've been out in the Netherlands clothes wise. I moved with just 4 pairs of shoes in my suitcase and I know I've bought some since I've been here but I thought it would be interesting to see (roughly) what I've been spending my hard earned cash on. I took pictures of everything.

And now I'm a little ashamed to share.

So first, my lunch today was awesome. Bacon sandwiches and salad. It's allllll good.

Now, as to my shopping. We must bear in mind that I came over without a rain coat and with only one pair of flat shoes. And only like 2 (or 5) dresses. So some of this has been necessary purchases. Sort of.

(I'm sorry, Mum)


And then there is all the socks I bought the other week because I realised I had like 3 pairs. =/

Moving money saving scheme is in place. I am not buying too much at the supermarket because I refuse to throw away food anymore. I am also not going out as much. This has less to do with saving money and more to do with the fact that I have exams in less than two weeks and I don't feel like I've learnt anything yet! Eek. This is insane. One of my courses has actually ended already. 

Ask me anything about Anthropology.

I guarantee you that the answer will be 'I don't know'. I think I'm going to have to hole myself away for a solid week and revise. 

And we all know how good I am at revision, dear readers. 

Where are my very kind, very patient flat mates when I need them?! 

This plan is somewhat hindered by the fact that I have been invited to the Hague on Friday to sit in on a War Crimes case in the International Court of Justice and I really, really want to go. The question is not about money or even passing my degree.

The real question is: can I be bothered to get to the train station for 6AM?

The answer, dear friends, is looking rather bleak I must admit.


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