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Sunday 10 October 2010

A = success so A = X + Y + Z, with X being work, Y play, and Z keeping your mouth shut

Day ?? - That Time Summer Came Back To The Netherlands

This weekend has mostly been about work.

A little bit about X-Factor but mostly work.

The only really interesting thing about the weekend was when I went out briefly on Saturday night. I went to go to a bar with my Australian friend that I met a few weeks ago. She invited me out for a drink or two with a group of her friends so I thought I would go and meet some new people. This was actually an excellent idea because I managed to meet the two other people that are coming to Portugal with us. =D

Always good to know who you are sharing a room with before you turn the lights out I suppose.

Anyway, turns out it was this rooftop bar in the Grote Markt. So we watched the sunset over the City Hall and then went to get hot chocolate in the Drie Gezusters. It was heavenly.

And this morning I woke up to clear blue skies once again. So my weekend has been fantastic weather wise, met some new, fun people and managed to get a whole lot of reading done besides.

Haven't gone for that second run yet though and my trainers are staring at me woefully from their box.

I may have to tuck them behind the wardrobe just so I feel less guilty about the whole 'not going running' thing.


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