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Thursday 16 September 2010

Brush My Teeth With A Bottle Of Jack

Day ?? - That Time I Was So Lucky I Could Have Kissed Someone

It appears, dear readers, that the Gods of Fate and Fortune have decided to bless me.

As we have all heard, Hoj was in the repair shop over night because Dutch bike mechanics can't tell the time in English. I needed Hoj for 8.30 the next morning and so was more than a little miffed that I would have to walk to Uni because the weather had been less than pleasant for the last couple of days.

Lo and behold, when I awoke..well, I'll let my photos do the talking.

Yes, the sun was shining and the walk was glorious. I was early so I even had time to go and buy an apple for breakfast. I had my first International and Comparative Criminology lecture and it was amazing. If I could fall madly in love with a subject, have a whirlwind romance, get hitched in Vegas and produce dozens of cute little baby subjects, I'd sacrafice all my morals and sleep with Criminology on the first date.

That's true love.

I also got Hoj back from the bike shop and he is all better (thank goodness)! I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to leave him in Groningen when I return to the UK.

Warning you now: there may be tears.

I had a corridor meeting at 8 in the evening to formally go over some of the rules and to discuss who was going to do kitchen duty on the different days. I finally met the rest of my hallway and discovered that there was a German and a Ukrainian living down the hall that I had never even seen before. Always good to know you've had invisible neighbours for the better part of 3 weeks.

Went out in the evening for an ESN party entitled 'I'm from Holland where the **** are you from?!'


Most people were dressing up in their country colours but I couldn't find anything to resemble the Union Jack or ol' Georgie boy's cross so I decided to opt for wit instead.

I donned a black and white dress with black heels and had a purple tie around my neck.

At first it was 'pale and interesting' then, upon evaluation, I realised no one would guess that in a million years so I went as non-discrimination and the purple was the show the blue and red of the Union Jack mixed together.

I think everyone could tell it was a fairly poor attempt at pretty much anything so people didn't comment on my outfit.

I didn't drink in the club because the drinks were quite expensive so I had a fun (though painful on my feet), alcohol free night. This worked in my favour because I had Energy Law at 9am the next morning.

Turns out that not drinking? Yeah that's actually a really big help in getting out of bed in the morning. Who'da thunk?

&& Fin.

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