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Monday 27 September 2010

Life Is Either A Great Adventure Or Nothing

Day ?? - That Time I Booked Another Holiday

Before I get into my ridiculous spenditure I have to make a point about my dinner yesterday. I was freaking out because it's Sunday and we all know, dear readers, what happens on Sundays; everything closes. I didn't even have any milk. Well...none that wasn't expired and lumpy anyway. So I had no idea what I was going to cook for dinner but I managed to find some noodles and a jar of sweet and sour sauce. I chopped up my remaining vegetables (half a red onion, 2 spring onions, half yellow pepper, half red pepper, handful of sugar snaps) fried them for a few minutes then added the sauce and allowed to simmer whilst the noodles boiled. It smelled foul and I just knew it would taste even worse. I dished it up in the saucepan that I had used to boil the noodles because I wasn't going to get another plate dirty for this monstrous effort of nutrition.

Best. Meal. Ever.

Honestly, I think it's the nicest thing I've cooked since I moved over here. Even better than the vegetable curry I insist on having every other day. And I thought I had cooked too many noodles but I ate it all. Every last piece of vegetable. It was that tasty (or maybe I was just that And this morning I went to lectures and came back to find that my room smelled of it and, far from it being that horrible morning after yuck smell, it made my mouth water.

Seriously. Left over cooking is the best.

Anyway, on to my apparently bottomless pockets.

As some of you may (or may not) know I have booked a long weekend to Milan because I have Fridays, Monday and Tuesdays off (at least I will in November) and why not travel whilst I'm on the continent. Besides it's a £28 round trip.

However, I have also now been persuaded to go to Faro in South West Portugal at the end of November. I jumped at the chance and then was reconsidering later.

Until I learnt where we were going to be staying.

It's called an eco-lodge and it looks amazing. The bed is below a window that looks straight up to the stars.

I have booked my flight.

I worked three jobs over the summer so I figure I can afford this since it's 30 euros for 3 nights and only costs 35 to fly there and back.  I literally cannot wait to go to this place. I have never been anywhere like this before and it looks incredible. The only thing I am worried about is that we might need to hire a car (kind of negates the whole eco thing) because it's a little out of the way and we want to explore.

Nevertheless I will return as a militant eco-warrier I'm sure.

So you better get your recycling up to scratch.


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