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Saturday 4 September 2010

Temptation Is Thy Weakness

Okay so the last couple of days have been quite interesting.

Day 04 - That Time I Was On Babysitting Duty

We had a Law meeting to introduce the course and how to register for exams etc. It was over 2 hours long and we were sat in these really hard, wooden chairs. After biking it around town for the past three days that was not the most comfortable thing in the world.

Oh, and the Netherlands? Yeah, not a friend to the thong.

Anyway, then we went on a tour around some of the main buildings but it was absolutely pouring and some of us didn't have rain jackets or umbrellas. I was one of these unlucky souls of course. But, lo and behold, my knight in shining armour appears in the form of a friendly Canadian who offered me his rain jacket because he had an umbrella!

I love Canada.

So we had this tour (which, fyi, was really quite useless) and then, after a brief stint in the shops, we went home. On the way we decided that we wanted to go and explore the town or at least meet our house mates and, being English, that means the involvement of alcohol. So we went to buy tequila and bumped into two New Zealand girls who lived in the building. We invited them out but they were quite tired. I think they were just glad to see someone that actually talked to them!

My friend and I started drinking tequila in her common room and waited for people to join us.

An hour later we were still waiting for people to join us so we decided to just head into town and have a look around.

Oh, if only.

Instead, we wound up at the Rumba bar which is normally really packed with International Students. Surprise, surprise; it was. So we had a drink in there and ended up bumping into these Canadians again. I then met a girl from Australia who asked us to come to another club with her.

So off we went.

We got into Kokomo which is a beach themed bar with a speed boat as the DJ booth. We danced for a bit and then got dragged to the bar where the guys had bought 13 pints for 10 euros. I'm not really a big fan of beer so I said thanks but no thanks. My friend on the other hand challenged them to a chugging competition.

And won.

We all just stared at her like she was an alien after she'd downed her fourth cup. She just laughed and went back to the dance floor.

However, about an hour later things were not quite as funny.

She was stumbling about all over the place and guys were hitting on her and giving her loads of beer so I had to keep my eye on her. Eventually (after she fell off the stage) I decided it was time to go home before she actually hurt herself. So one of the Canadians and I carried her out of the club to the taxi rank. She scrambled into the backseat and slurred at the driver. He didn't understand a word she said and just looked at me so I put on my best Dutch accent and he smiled.

When we reached our house (after many repeated ramblings from the Drunken Queen) she couldn't find her money to pay the taxi driver. Thing was I didn't have any money because we weren't meant to be going out that late and we were hoping to either walk or bus it back. Eventually we paid the taxi driver and got inside the building.

Where my friend promptly head butted a closed lift door and fell on her arse.


&& Fin.

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