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Saturday 4 September 2010

Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met Yet

Introduction Week Starts

Day 05 - That Time I Made Really Awkward Small Talk

No sign of my friend all morning. I texted her and facebooked her to no avail. After about 2 pm I started to get a bit worried that she might have collapsed somewhere in her beer addled state but she texted me at about 8pm to say that everything was fine and she was coming out to town.

Oy vay.

The rest of the day was fairly average. I went and bought slippers and a kettle. How much of an old lady am I?

Ah well, now I can have tea in my bed. I am so quintessentially English that it hurts a little bit.

I also went to change my courses today because I had too many Masters choices down. So now my course list looks like this:

Anthropology of Law I
European Private Law
Energy Law
European Union External Relations
International and Comparative Criminology
War and Peace I

So my timetable is thus:

Monday: 11-13 Anthropology of Law
13-15 European Private Law
Wednesday: 09-11 European Union External Relations Law
11-13 International and Comparative Criminology
Thursday: 09-11 Energy Law
15-18 War and Peace I

And that's it.

I don't know what I'm going to do with all this spare time I have because the library closes at 6pm! At home the library is open until the wee hours of the morning and in exam period it's open 24 hours a day. I don't know how I'm going to study when I can't get into a library and get books out because there is no way I am paying the extortionate prices of the books when I'm only here for only 4 months.

Anyway, after organising my classes (which I had to wait over an hour and a half to do) I went to my Introduction Week tour.

I feel like I have walked around Groningen about 7 times now. It was delightfully awkward as well because nobody in my group really wanted to talk that much. Huzzah. I love silence.

In the end I think people wanted me to shut up because I kept going on and on but I couldn't stand the lack of conversation.

We headed back to our tour guide's house and had dinner there which was really nice.

They call it frikandel and friets. I called it battered sausage and chips.

We went on a brief bar crawl but, because we went out so early there was no one around, so I ended up leaving early because I was so tired.

Plus tomorrow is a sports day so I will have the chance to further embarass myself in front of virtual strangers.

Oh, goodie.

&& Fin.

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