That Time We Discussed Some Fashion
Those of you that know me will know
that I would not class myself as a fashionista.
Fashion, frankly, baffles me.
Maybe I am too boring to understand
some of the trends that pop up from time to time. Maybe I find some
of them too pretentious and am actually a reverse-snob. Who knows?
Normally I would not give fashion a
second thought but several things have happened recently which have
clothes and trends on my brain. Which, of course, only leads to The
Blog. (The poor, poor neglected Blog.)
Before we get started on this list,
dear readers, please be aware that the following are my opinions only
and we all know what a sarcastic, vicious little brain I am
harbouring. So apologies now for anyone that finds these comments in
bad taste.
Comfort yourself in the knowledge that
I really don't know what I'm talking about most of the time so why
should a published Blog be any different?
Okay, here we go...
- Release The Hounds
I know, I know, I thought this was a
post about horrendous clothing trends that we could snigger at from
behind the safety of our computer/phone screens while we spill
spaghetti bolognese down ourselves too!
Bear with.
Release The Hounds: Famous and Freaked
returned to our tellyboxes this week with an all celebrity special
season. (To be honest, they have taken certain liberties with the
term 'celebrity' but it is ITV2 and we'll forgive them for not being
able to get big stars like ITV1 and the Hello Campers team.)
Anyway, for anyone that hasn't seen the
programme, rest assured, there are no spoilers here.
For you lovely readers that haven't
seen the show, invariably it involves a group of three drama queens
that would squeal at the drop of a hat being dumped in a Lithuanian
forest in the late afternoon. A grinning and undeniably giddy Reggie
Yates greets the unfortunate victims for that week, hands them a
bright red back pack with a walkie talkie and points them in the
direction of the woods. From there, the somewhat depleted Mystery Inc
gang have to solve puzzles in order to obtain a key to a chest full
of money. Once they have the key they can take the money but, in
order to keep the money, they have to outrun a pack of dogs.
The trick of course is that the quicker
they solve the puzzle, the bigger the head start they have over the
This newest series started off with a
pretty creepy bang. However, watching the show did annoy me in a
slightly unusual way.
As I've explained, the main aim of the
game is to outrun the dogs at the end of the tasks.
So why, oh why, do all the contestants
insist on wearing jeans?!
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Jeans. |
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More jeans. |
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Again, I'm assuming that most of these
nitwits have seen the show previously (or maybe they haven't –
makes more sense as to why they would volunteer in the first place to
be honest) so they should know that most of the tasks involve water
or liquid of some kind.
What would possess someone to run in
wet jeans?
The answer is, of course, a pack of
slavering, barking dogs at their heels which I suppose is sort of the
Anyway, this inexplicably frustrates
Fashion – nil points so far.
- Sparkle Particle
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Introducing ... Glitter Roots! The new way to disguise your roots. ...apparently. |
I mean, is this even a thing?!
The first time I saw mention of this
trend was admittedly on the Daily Fail (whoops Mail)
website so it could be a load of twaddle. Like most of their
But instagram seems
to disagree.
I mean, just on a
practical note, that looks like it would be a nightmare to shampoo
Whole campaigns
have been based on making your hair look as flake free as possible
but apparently this is The New Thing.
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Don't look Head and Shoulders; you'll only upset yourself. |
I can kind of
understand this look for a festival (particularly Wilderness) but
you're already not really washing properly and a bit sticky and
covered in goodness knows what so might as well chuck on something
that is at least sparkly I guess.
But imagine your
Mum's face when you go home and explain that all of that will be
clogging up her shower drain in about an hour.
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"Oh yeah, and here's my bag of washing. What's for dinner, I'm starving!" |
Anyone that knows
me, knows that I love a bit of sparkle so it's not that I'm just
anti-glitter but I can feel my hair retracting back into the
follicles just thinking about smearing a load of that all over my
Maybe I'm just not
Down With The Kids Anymore.
Afterall, I
remember when we used to think this looked good.
"I'm totally ready for the school disco now!" |
And all those
little butterfly clips...
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What exactly were those clips holding up? Probably our badly cut fringes that we instantly regretted. |
You know what? The
less said about hair in the 90s and early 00s the better.
Moving on!
- Naked Attraction
On to another
television show now and this one is the uncomfortable viewing
pleasure that is Naked Attraction.
Those of you under
18, of a delicate disposition and/or my Grandmother, avert your gaze
Basically: 6
strangers stand naked in coloured pods, slowly their bodies are
revealed (in reverse so from tail to top) and the contestant picks
one to knock out each round by deciding which one they fancy less
based on pure physical attraction.
My housemate and I
ended up watching this cringe fest together with a glass of wine
(alcohol consumption definitely recommended).
And the thing that
struck us the most about the show was the comment that people kept
making that it was 'the best way to judge someone without being
You just dumped
someone on the based only on their body from the waist down.
If that isn't
shallow I don't know what is.
Apparently, the
best way to 'get to know someone' and to 'judge and find someone for who they are' (nobody on the show is struck by the irony in these phrases fyi) is to have 6 strangers stand naked before you for your abrupt
perusal like you are looking for your next bull at some cattle
yes, Anna Richardson, who seems to always be involved with these
pseudo-sexual programmes on channel 4, his foreskin is
particularly long, isn't it? I don't like.” -Somewhere offstage Simon Cowell hits a
large red buzzer in the background-
(The above is
almost a direct quote from the show just so you don't think I'm being
(Disclaimer –
apart from Simon Cowell. He did not hit the big red buzzer. He
likey. Or that Paddy McGuinness? Eurgh, all these dodgy
innuendos are getting my pop culture references mixed up.)
Maybe I'm just a
massive prude but it wasn't so much the nakedness as the almost rude
comments people were making about the bodies they were presented
Is that a fashion
these days? To have no regard for anyone else's feelings? Sometimes
it really does feel that way. I'm not saying that we all need to find
each other unbearably attractive; nothing would get done, but does
anybody really need to hear the phrase “what other willies are you
drawn to?” or “I've never seen a vagina like can see a
lot of it. But she does like to shave” (disappointed face) or “how
do you feel about the fact that that is one hell of a hairy crack?”
Again – quoting from the show here. Literally episode 1.
Again, let's be
clear; it's not a problem that I have with the show itself people
being naked on the telly doesn't give me the heebie jeebies but why
try and dress it up to be something it's not? And why are all the
comments so crude and clinical?
Did these people
really need someone peering at their naked personage and passing
But then I suppose
telling people what they should be wearing is just as bad.
Let's not even go
there. That's a whole new Blog Post.
And finally, the
big one, the traumatic experience that has inspired this entire
- It's A Nice Day For A White Wedding
As some of you may
know, I have been invited to a wedding this year.
Not only do I love
a good wedding but this is a particularly special event as this is
the first of my university friends to tie the knot. And it's on the
day before my birthday.
I. Am. So. Excited.
I. Am. So. Excited.
And this of course
has lead to the requirement for a shopping expedition. As is well
established, if my house mate isn't there to dress me I am a hot
Plus, I have
shopping vouchers; just call me the coupon Queen.
Mother and I
ventured off to find a suitable wedding guest outfit in January and
found the shopping centre wanting.
The choice was
awful, there was no colour anywhere (seriously what is with all the
grey and khaki errrrrywhere?) and anything that was even half decent
cost an arm and a leg even on sale.
We trawled through
rack after rack for 3 hours and, after finding only disappointment
and a lacklustre service in the Debenhams cafe (what happened to
you?!), we left with only a few purchases which were actually gifts
for other people.
Not quite what we
had in mind.
Nevertheless, I was
not deterred; namely because I don't actually have anything suitable
rather than an abundance of enthusiasm for the task.
So the online
shopping began.
The first thing
that I noticed was that lots of websites had a very helpful section
called 'wedding guest'.
'Perfect!' I hear
you cry. Not so, dear reader, not so.
For within this
section of clothing there was very little that was appropriate. It
was either too short, too formal or too white.
![]() |, Asos, don't think the bride will thank me for this one. |
When did this suddenly become A Thing?
I thought it was an
unwritten rule that you were not to wear white to a wedding? Maybe
this is a rule that I've made up but if your dress is more than 50%
white maybe you should have a re-think.
And if it looks
like this....maybe skip the wedding, take a good long look in the
mirror and work on you for a bit. #nojudgement #butloadsofjudgement
I mean, even
Glamour agrees with me and, to be honest, that's like gospel in the
fashion world.
I'm also against
dressing all in black at a wedding. It feels a bit too funeral-y,
especially when lots of the blokes only really have the option of
dark, formal-wear. I like a splash of colour but, judging from the
various online shops, I am wrong on this front as well.
The number of LBDs
(is the wedding in a night club?) or other black dresses made me
think that maybe colour is over-rated these days?
I told you I wasn't
a fashionista.
In any event, the
search for a decent (not even perfect! I have realistic expectations
I promise) wedding guest dress continues. Goodness only knows what
I'll end up wearing.
All I know is if
anybody wears a white dress to my wedding they will be on the
receiving end of an 'accident' with a glass of red wine.
I think what we
have all learned from this is that I should continue to keep fashion
at arm's length and everyone will be happy.
Although, if I do
follow current fashion trends, I will be attending the wedding in
April in a pair of white jeans, naked from the waist up, covered in
Maybe it will catch
Or maybe I'll
finally be carted off to the loonie bin for good.